Daly reveals reporter’s cell number on Twitter

That crazy John Daly is at it again, having fun and seeking revenge via Twitter.

From FOXSports.com:

John Daly was so irritated that a Florida newspaper wrote about his PGA Tour disciplinary file that he referred to the writer as a “jerk” on Twitter and posted the writer’s cell phone number for his followers to call.

The Florida Times-Union reported Tuesday that the file is now public record through Daly’s unsuccessful libel lawsuit against the newspaper. The file is 456 pages and notes that Daly has been suspended five times and cited 21 times for not giving his best effort.

“here’s the JERK who writes NON-NEWS article on debut of my show — CALL & FLOOD his line & let’s tell him how WE feel,” Daly said on Twitter, adding the cell phone number of golf writer Garry Smits.

Smits, the golf writer for the Times-Union, said he received about 30 calls after a series of three tweets late Tuesday night, and nearly 100 calls by early Wednesday afternoon. Smits said most of the callers hang up, and about 30 left messages.

“His fans are very unhappy,” Smits said.

If I were an exclusive golf writer, I would stay as far from John Daly as humanly possible. Either that, or I would quit my job so I could party with him at all times because you’re bound to see something interesting.

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Daly honors Mickelson’s ailing wife

John Daly wore bright pink trousers during the final round of the BMW PGA Championship in England on Sunday in a sign of support for Phil Mickelson’s wife after she was diagnosed with breast cancer last week.

According to their management group, Amy Mickelson will have major surgery for removal of the cancer within the next two weeks.

Daly on his decision to wear the pink trousers:

“I had a pair, so I figured I’d do that for her today. I thought it would be a good gesture,” Daly said of his trousers. “I know Phil very well and I know Amy. I’ve known them for a long time — we’ve played the Tour together. She’s a great lady. She has always been a sweetheart to everybody.”

Daly had not yet spoken to Phil Mickelson, but said he had been impacted personally by breast cancer.

“I sent out a media message,” Daly said. “He’s probably surrounded by callers right now and I didn’t want to bother him. I’m sure everybody on Tour and everybody in the world is thinking about her.”

Many in the golfing community have expressed their support and are eager to help in any way possible. Fellow golfer Darren Clarke has spoken to Mickelson recently, but wouldn’t reveal the details of their conversation. Clarke lost his wife to breast cancer in August 2006, and credits the Mickelsons in helping him through the tough times following her death.

Mickelson has suspended his PGA Tour schedule indefinitely.

John Daly at it again – smashes fans’ camera into tree

John “Happy Gilmore” Daly decided that a fan had their camera to close to his face at the Australian Open…so he smashed the camera into a tree.

John DalyDaly was clearly frustrated at his lack of success in three tournaments in Australia this season.
After snatching the camera he stalked up to the nearest tree and hurled it with all his force into the trunk, saying “you want it back, I’ll buy you a new one”.

As Daly completed the hole Clegg, a 15-handicapper at Sydney club Ashlar, was left to pick up the pieces – literally.

Clegg, who had taken a leave day especially to see Daly play, said it was a disappointing way to finish the day.

“It hasn’t ended well,” he said.

Asked if he would be seeking compensation, Clegg said: “I don’t think I’ll be chasing him for the money. He’s a big bloke.”

Clegg said he had come out specifically to watch Daly because it might be the last chance he has.
“It was very unexpected.”

Apparently the guy wasn’t supposed to have a camera at the event anyway, so Daly won’t face any repercussions for his actions.

Yep, just another day in the life of John Daly – the coolest guy in the universe.

Top 10 Least Thankful People in Sports

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, RealClearSports.com ranks the top 10 least thankful people in sports.

Roger Clemens2. Roger Clemens
Want a sure-fire way to tarnish your Hall of Fame career in a few short months? Follow the blueprint Clemens laid out for you.

First, have your name referenced 82 times in a report about steroid use in baseball. Then sue your former trainer, appear before a Congressional committee, and go under investigation about whether or not you lied under oath about using performance-enhancing drugs. After all that, have the New York Daily News report you once had a long-term affair with both Mindy McCready, who was 15 at the beginning of the relationship, and Paulette Dean Daly, the ex-wife of John Daly. And don’t forget to come across as a smug, arrogant jerk throughout it all.

5. BCS Haters
This slide could have just as easily been more broadly titled “College Football Fans.” According to the New York Times, 84% of fans want a playoff system to determine the national champion. With this level of unanimity combined with some important institutional voices — Pete Carroll, Joe Paterno and the soon-to-be leader of the free world — you might be tempted to think the BCS was doomed.
And yet, as much as ever, fans seem destined for everlasting dismay. The BCS and ESPN signed a television contact through 2014 worth $500 million over four years, meaning the BCS is too profitable to die. Moreover, it means we’ll continue to read more about the “season-long playoff” and watch a national championship determined by computers rather than play-in games.

Eighty-four percent of fans want a playoff system? Eighty-four?! So essentially the BCS is only making 16% of college football fans happy. Awesome.

Oh yeah, and Roger Clemens is a turd.

Daly: ‘Night in jail a misunderstanding’

John Daly recently got drunk, passed out at Hooters and wound up in jail. Now he’s saying that it was all just one big misunderstanding.

John Daly“Nothing is going right in my life right now,” Daly said in a telephone interview Sunday. “I’m going through a hell of a divorce. I haven’t seen my son. It was an unfortunate incident, but it’s a joke what people are saying. I take full responsibility for what happened, but it wasn’t that big of a deal.”

According to Winston-Salem police, Daly appeared “extremely intoxicated and uncooperative” when he was found outside a Hooters restaurant early Oct. 27. With no other means of transportation, he was taken to the Forsyth County jail for 24 hours to get sober.

Daly said it could have been avoided if his friends had realized he tends to sleep with his eyes open when he’s tired, stressed and has been drinking. He said the driver of his private bus, parked near Hooters, panicked when he saw Daly and called the paramedics.

“If I had seen someone like that, I probably would have done the same thing,” he said. “They were only trying to protect me.”

But he said he was not arrested, nor was he thrown out of Hooters. The restaurant closed more than an hour before police arrived.

“The thing I want people to know is when I called my girlfriend at 11:30 p.m., I was going back to the bus to go sleep,” Daly said. “I’m not going to say I wasn’t drunk. I did have a few drinks. I said to them, ‘I’m tired, I’m drunk and I’m going to bed.”’
Daly said his friends woke him up about 2 a.m.

“The bus driver called 911 because my eyes were open,” Daly said. “I said, ‘What’s going on?’ He said, ‘We thought you were dead.’ Anybody who knows me … when I’m tired, I sleep with my eyes open. They know it takes awhile to wake me up.”

I hear ya, John. Sometimes when I get drunk I want to punch people in the face and my friends just don’t understand that. If they were really my friends, they would study my drinking habits and adjust. Bastards.

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