Jack Clark vs Albert Pujols

The video above shows a clip of former MLB All Star Jack Clark ripping Mark McGwire and other steroids users. Clark was a power in the era preceding the baseball era, and it really bugs him to see what these guys did to the integrity of the game.

Now he’s in a new feud with Albert Pujols and it’s getting ugly. Clark had a new radio show in St. Louis but he lost that gig after Pujols said he would sue Clark and the station over comments Clark made:

At least twice in the first week of a program that made its debut Aug. 1, Clark said that former Pujols trainer Chris Mihlfeld told him in 2000 that he “shot him up’’ with steroids. Both were working in the Los Angeles Dodgers’ organization at the time. Clark also has made other steroids allegations about Pujols, attributing them to comments Mihlfeld had made to him more than a decade ago.

Pujols has vehemently denied the allegations, but that’s common practice in today’s world. Mihlfeld has also denied the story.

This is what we all have to deal with in the context of people like A-Rod who were hell bent on using PEDs. But as Jeremy Schaap pointed out today on ESPN, no ballplayer in today’s world, even Albert Pujols is beyond suspicion.

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