8 Ways to Track Your Fantasy Football Players
Football is one of the great American pastimes, with the Super Bowl each year drawing record numbers of spectators from all over the world. Of course, for most people, watching their favorite football players on NFL Sunday ticket is as close as they ever come to actually managing a team or being involved in the sport.
However, if you are really desperate to test out your football knowledge, you can always set up a fantasy team and see how many points you get at the end of the season. Following team members and individual players is a key aspect of this activity, and, luckily, there are a number of ways you can track your fantasy football players to see how many points they are getting each week.
1. Draft Analyzer
This is an award-winning piece of PC software that allows you to track the performance of football players and make sure your fantasy team is racking up as many points as possible. The product is sold by ESPN and CBS.Sportsline.com to ensure accuracy and even comes with recommendations for upcoming key players and teams.
The software also comes complete with rankings for each player which get updated as the season goes on – all you need to do is click a simple button and you get the most recent results and predictions for all the key football players. This is certainly a useful tool when you are picking a fantasy football team!
2. PCDrafter
This is another piece of computer software that can be downloaded onto your desktop or laptop. The tool works by using a complex mathematical algorithm to work out which players are performing well and which are struggling.
What’s more, the tool comes with a discussion forum where you can talk to other like-minded individuals about the season and who your key picks are. Who knows, you might even meet some new competition online who thinks they can predict the season better than you can!
3. Fantasy Draft Assistant
Another online tool that is becoming more and more popular with fantasy football players is Fantasy Draft Assistant. This Windows application allows you to rank draft players depending on how their season is going.
You can also use the in-built draft tracking technology without having to constantly switch back and forth between two different screens. Users can also print various cheat sheets and study a player’s rankings in depth with the use of this service.
4. TundraBall
Of course, you don’t have to rely simply on applications and programs to pick your fantasy teamāthere are plenty of good websites out there as well. This siteĀ provides users with a range of features, such as team accounts and in-league betting, while those who want to get to know other people on the site can use the dedicated chat rooms to set up their own football discussions.
The live statistics function is useful for those who want to make sure they are on the cutting edge of football news. It makes sure you never miss an announcement or decision in the big leagues.
5. Fandora’s Box
Sometimes, you may want to get updates sent directly to you wherever you are. With Fandora’s dedicated SMS text service, you can do just that! The service will regularly send you text message updates of all the big news and events in the football arena, including milestone alerts from individual games.
Wherever you are, you can be sure you will receive the most recent information that will help you pick and modify your perfect fantasy team.
6. Pro Football
One important aspect of fantasy football is keeping up with the latest news even when games are not being played. Pro Football offers an iPhone app to let users do just that.
The latest stats, predictions, injury assessments and lots more will be delivered directly to your mobile phone at regular intervals, and although you will most likely have to pay for the app, it is a small price to pay to know that you are getting the key pieces of information before anyone else in your league does!
7. MyFantasyTeams
Luckily, mobile phone apps are not limited to Apple devices like the iPhone. MyFantasyTeams is a useful application that can be downloaded onto a Blackberry to help you make changes to your team on the move. The app allows users to alter line-ups and read the latest news wherever they have a mobile connection.
8. American Football Trivia
After a long hard day of altering teams and analyzing stats to make sure your fantasy team is performing at its best, why not take a break and simply enjoy the great sport of football? This app (available on the Blackberry) offers fans the chance to relax and unwind by testing their knowledge of the sport and helping them keep on their toes regarding every aspect of football.
Although it is not primarily designed to help you manage your fantasy teams, the knowledge you gain from answering the football trivia questions should stand you in good stead when it comes to making that all important line-up change!
One of the most important aspects of managing a fantasy football team is making sure you have the most up to date information at hand and that you are able to alter your team as and when you see fit. Luckily, any of the above apps and devices will help you keep a close eye on your team and beat the competitors in your fantasy league.
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