2011 NFL Draft to be canceled now?

As if the NFL and NFLPA haven’t bent over the fans enough, now it appears as though there may not even be a draft.

According to Liz Mullen of the Sports Business Journal, the NFL players’ lawsuit in a U.S. district court is seeking declaration that the NFL draft violates antitrust laws. Texas A&M linebacker Von Miller is even named as a plaintiff in the suit. (How is his draft stock looking these days?)

Throughout this entire absurd process, fans have been under the assumption that, at the very least, there would be a draft in 2011. But hey, seeing as how there’s no free agency, no trades and there may not even be a season next year, what’s the point in having a draft? Why not take everything away from fans? Clearly the league is not for them anyway. It’s for the greedy players and the even greedier owners.

My apologizes for sounding like a scorned lover but this is ridiculous. The draft was the last and only thing fans had to look forward to this offseason and now that could be stripped from us as well. Maybe this was a naïve thought but I kind of felt that the draft represented hope that there will be a season next year. But now? Who knows. I’m feeling less optimistic about this situation than ever this morning.

Buckle up fans, it’s about to get bumpy.

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