Boldin skips Ravens’ passing camp

According to the Baltimore Sun, new Ravens’ receiver Anquan Boldin was a no-show at the team’s voluntary passing camp on Tuesday. Also missing in action were linebackers Ray Lewis and Terrell Suggs, defensive ends Cory Redding and Trevor Pryce, and running back Willis McGahee.
Seeing as how the camp was voluntary, it’s not a huge deal that Boldin wasn’t in attendance. Maybe he had a prior engagement and even so, I’m sure the coaches weren’t concerned. He also showed up earlier this month at the team’s mini-camp, so it’s not like he’s been a ghost since arriving in Baltimore.
That said, he’s a new player in a new offense and this was a passing camp. Wouldn’t he want to work with Joe Flacco as much as possible before the season starts? The Ravens gave him a four-year, $28 million deal when they traded for him in March and made him their No. 1 guy. That’s exactly what he wanted, so one would think that he would honor their commitment by showing up to a camp that would be beneficial to him heading into the season.
But I digress. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this because it’s not. It’s not a concern and maybe he’ll show up later in the week. I don’t want to put a negative spin on the situation and I realize that when training camp roles around, this won’t matter.
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Tags: Anquan Boldin, Anquan Boldin misses camp, Anquan Boldin rumors, Anquan Boldin skips camp, Ravens rumors