Andrew Luck retires in stunning decision
Andrew Luck can’t take it any more. The pain. The endless rehab. Four years of misery dealing with injuries.
I can’t blame him at all. He’s only 29 but he’s had enough. Few people can appreciate what NFL players go through. If he’s ready to leave the game, then good for him.
I feel bad for how this went down. He intended to have a news conference tomorrow, but the news leaked and Luck had to endure walking off the field at home with too many Indianapolis fans booing him. I know fans can often react stupidly in the moment, but this is a terrible look for Indianapolis and Luck doesn’t deserve to go out this way.
Hopefully the Colts find a way to honor him this season so he can hear the fans cheer him one more time and soften the blow of hearing those boos.
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Posted in: NFL
Tags: Andrew Luck, Indianapolis Colts