Is A-Rod finished?

The speculation around Alex Rodriguez is definitely heating up as Major League Baseball seems poised to hammer him on his PED use. The latest has MLB and his representatives negotiating a possible deal that would leave him with a 150-game suspension!

It’s still remarkable to me that A-Rod would tarnish his legacy with this greed and stupidity. Even with all the trappings of professional sports, A-Rod was a freak of nature who was destined to have a Hall of Fame career. He didn’t need the PEDs, but yet he was seduced perhaps by the lure of even bigger numbers and fatter contracts.

This is just one of many sad cases of a fall from grace. It’s pitiful, as he had plenty of opportunities to clean up his act.

It will be interesting to see how the union hand;es this, as there are reports that many players want the cheaters rooted out and punished. Will the union leadership listen?

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