McGwire sticks to story: Steroid use was to heal
Mark McGwire showed up on the first day pitchers and catchers reported to spring training and offered yet another apology for his use of performance enhancing drugs during his playing days. He maintains that the steroids were used to help him heal, not hit home runs.
From USA Today:
Mark McGwire said Wednesday that performance-enhancing drugs helped him get on the field and get more at-bats, but he stopped short of saying that the illegal drugs helped his power.
When asked about not admitting that steroids helped his home-run power, McGwire, the new batting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals, said that he took steroids to help his injuries.
“That got me more at-bats and a chance to play,” he told reporters during a 17-minute interview outside the Cardinals’ clubhouse at Roger Dean Stadium, hours after he first worked with St. Louis hitters at their spring training home.
There are people in this world that start to believe in their own lies after awhile. I’m not sure if McGwire fits that mold, but it’s amazing to me that he can look at people with a straight face and say that the drug use was only so that he could stay healthy.
He could apologize 100 more times and what he says still wouldn’t carry any weight until he admits he juiced so that he could hit 500-foot home runs. If he just wanted to stay healthy, then he didn’t need to bulk up to the size of a freaking linebacker.
His apologies are very hollow and insulting to baseball fans, but at this point it’s just time to move on. He’s not going to change his story any time soon.
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Posted in: MLB
Tags: Mark McGwire, Mark McGwire steroids, St. Louis Cardinals