Burress talks about the night of the shooting

Here’s video of former Giants receiver Plaxico Burress talking with ESPN E:60’s Jeremy Schaap about what happened during the night he shot himself:

Some will blame the security at the nightclub, which was, without question, irresponsible for allowing Burress to enter the club knowing he had the gun tucked in his waistband. But had Burress left the gun at home, this entire situation could have been avoided.

One thing I don’t understand is why he didn’t at least have the safety on. He shouldn’t have had the gun with him in the first place, but had he kept the safety on (or had a holster), he probably wouldn’t have put a hole through his foot.

Based on the video, it appears that Burress owns up to what happened and is ready to take accountability for his actions. One would hope that this situation will not only be a learning experience for him, but also other athletes who still believe the law doesn’t apply to them.

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