Zimmerman’s streak ends at 30 games


Ryan Zimmerman, the best thing to ever happen to the Washington Nationals, has ended his hitting streak at 30 games. He tried to continue it earlier today against Barry Zito and the San Francisco Giants, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Zito, who’s surprisingly been pitching like a major-leaguer, still gave up 8 hits. None, however, were to Zimmerman.

I know it’s quite an accomplishment, but as Zimmerman’s streak ends at 30, it really puts it in perspective how amazing Joe DiMaggio’s streak of 56 games really was. Zimmerman accomplished this feat in the same fashion he has always performed, quietly, quite possibly because he’s in Washington and playing for the worst team in baseball. The guy is awesome and sees pitches much in the same way Rollins was when his hit streak went to 38 games (even if it spanned over 2 seasons). Oh, well — cheers, Zimmy. At least you’re a shoe-in for the All-Star team.

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