Instant replay coming to MLB by end of week?

The Associated Press is reporting that Major League Baseball might implement the use of instant replay as early as Thursday.

Major League Baseball reversed its long-standing opposition to instant replay and will allow umpires to check video on home run calls in series that start Thursday, a person familiar with the announcement told The Associated Press.

The start date comes nearly 10 months after general managers voted 25-5 to use the technology, and following MLB agreements with the unions for umpires and for players.

For now, video will be used only on so-called “boundary calls,” such as determining whether fly balls went over the fence or whether potential home runs were fair or foul.

Video will be collected at the office of Major League Baseball Advanced Media in New York. If the crew chief at a game decides replay needs to be checked, umpires will leave the field, technicians at MLBAM will show umpires the video and the crew chief will make the call.

Hopefully this is an immediate success and MLB brings instant replay back for a full season next year. Getting the calls right should be baseball’s highest priority – not whether or not the games will be dragged out longer.

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