Sterger may go public with photos of Favre’s junk
Straight out of the “Does anyone really care anymore?” files, the Huffington Post is reporting that Jenn Sterger might reveal the photos that Brett Favre sent her of his junk if the NFL does not punish the Vikings’ quarterback.
TMZ reported on Monday that Sterger’s manager, Phil Reese, said his client provided enough evidence to prove there was harassment.
“No matter what happens Jenn has all legal remedies, including going public … if the NFL doesn’t clear her name,” Reese reportedly said.
The NFL started its investigation of the alleged sexting scandal in October. Favre admitted to sending voicemails to the former TV host, but denied sending inappropriate photos.
Allison Torres, a friend of Sterger, reportedly said she was there when Sterger received the pictures.
Couple of things here:
1. Nobody wants to see Favre’s wrinkled junk mail.
2. Didn’t Deadspin already show the photos? Unless she has photos of him smiling and giving the camera a thumbs-up while holding his crotchel region, then what more is there to show?
And whom does she think she is trying to press the NFL into a corner? They’re not going to bow to her whims and do whatever she asks. They’re the NFL for cryin’ out loud.
She’s got four weeks to try and further her career with this story before Favre retires and then nobody officially cares anymore.
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Posted in: NFL
Tags: Brett Favre, brett favre jenn sterger, Jenn Sterger, Jenn Sterger photos