Yankees’ won’t void A-Rod’s contract
Hank Steinbrenner said that the Yankees won’t try and void Alex Rodriguez’s contract (which is the richest in baseball) despite the slugger admitting on Monday that he took steroids from 2001 to 2003 as a member of the Texas Rangers.
Yet, the club admits it doesn’t know what to expect from Rodriguez on the field this coming season. At $32 million a year and what Rodriguez means to the lineup, that’s frightening.
“Personally, no,” Steinbrenner said yesterday at George Steinbrenner Field, asked if he was mad at Rodriguez.
Asked about finding a way to get out from under the $275 million deal that has nine years left, Steinbrenner said, “No, no . . . it’s simply . . . that’s it basically.”
How about attempting to trade Rodriguez?“I am not going to comment on anything like that [that] can get twisted, which happens in the media,” Steinbrenner said with a chuckle. “Basically, it’s no comment except that I support him and I am not personally angry at all.”
That could change if Rodriguez’s problems result in a miserable season on the field. According to GM Brian Cashman, it’s a jump ball as to how Rodriguez responds.
“I don’t know, you can never tell with these type of things,” Cashman said. “You don’t know how it will impact him professionally and personally. All you can do is put your arms around him and support him and help him pull through it.”
Talent still trumps all. The Yankees are interested in one thing and one thing only: winning championships. And Steinbrenner knows that the Bombers are a better team with A-Rod than without him, so why would they void his contract or trade him?
As the article notes, as long as A-Rod’s game doesn’t suffer from all of this, you’re not going to see Steinbrenner or the Yankees do anything about this situation.
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Posted in: MLB
Tags: A-Rod admits, A-Rod admits using steroids, A-Rod on steroids, A-Rod positive steroid test, A-Rod steroids, Alex Rodrgiuez, Alex Rodriguez admits steroid use, Alex Rodriguez admits to using steroids, Alex Rodriguez caught taking steroids, Alex Rodriguez steroid story, Alex Rodriguez steroids, Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids, Alex Rodriguez used steroids, New York Yankees